Work with Units
List units
Command | Description |
systemctl list-units | list units |
systemctl list-units --type=service | list only services |
systemctl list-units --state=failed | list only failed units |
Configure units
Command | Description |
systemctl list-unit-files | list unit files (configurable units) |
systemctl show cgmanager.service | show all configuration values of unit |
systemctl cat cgmanager.service | show all files of unit |
systemctl edit cgmanager.service | Edit service and overwrite some configuration values |
Analyze system
Command | Description |
systemd-analyze | general time information |
systemd-analyze critical-chain | shows the units and times until system was booted |
systemd-analyze plot > bootpath.svg | generates graphic with timings of all started units |
systemd-analyze dot | dot -Tsvg >dependencygraph.svg | generates a full dependency graph of all units |