Currently I develop a CMS in Java using Seam and JSF. Target of the CMS is a simple CMS-Structure which can easily be added to a existing Seam-Application and then provide the editable content via simple JSF-Components. Maybe I will later write some more informations about this CMS.
To easily edit text-content I include the Javascript RTE-Texteditor CKEditor. This editor transform a simple Textarea into a full featured RTE-Editor. The simple include-code looks like:
1 | CKEditor.replace('idoftextarea'); |
But you can also define some configuration properties. Especially the events are not fully documented yet for version 3.0. A really interesting event is the onComplete-event or other called the instanceReady-event. This event is called if the editor is fully loaded.
A sample definition could be:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | CKEditor.replace('idoftextarea', { on: { instanceReady: function(ev) { window.alert('I am ready loaded'); } } }); |
A use case for such an event could be automatic resize of the editor, for example maximize.
You can also define a global event for every CKEDITOR-instance in this way:
1 2 3 | CKEDITOR.on( 'idoftextarea', function( ev ) { window.alert('Im a ready loaded'); }); |
2 replies on “CKEditor – events like onComplete”
Need help with autosave for CKEditor
I don’t know whats you problem in detail, but the official Forum under should help